Looking Back and Looking Ahead
October 6, 2014 11:58 am Comments Off on Looking Back and Looking AheadThe theme of this year’s Social Good Summit was obviously looking ahead to the year 2030 – which is the...
The theme of this year’s Social Good Summit was obviously looking ahead to the year 2030 – which is the...
“We all have the incredible opportunity to create a good story” – Bryn Mooser, Co-founder of RYOT 페이스북, 트위터, 인스타그램....
처음에 소셜 굿 서밋을 참가한다고 했을 때에, 그냥 어느 국제회의 다를 것 없을 것이라고 생각했다. 유엔총회도 참관해보고, 정상회의도 참관해본 경험자로써,...
Recently, I found a job posting that fit exactly into my dream job. Dream job as in what I want...
About a month ago, I came across this amazing tool that many of us do not have knowledge about –...
Some call it coincidence; I call it the Murphy’s Law. Wherever I work, I end up in a team that...
When I was a little girl, only about five or six years old, my parents took me and my brother...
I’ve been going over what I should write for my first blog post for about three weeks now. Now I...