10 Lessons I’ve learnt during 1 year of my fellowship
August 17, 2018 7:44 pm Comments Off on 10 Lessons I’ve learnt during 1 year of my fellowshipUse every opportunity to have a new experience Develop professional skills Learn...
Use every opportunity to have a new experience Develop professional skills Learn...
Use every opportunity to have new experience Develop professional skills Learn the traditions of different countries Ruin stereotypes Fulfill your...
California is one the biggest and richest states in the US. When I am saying “rich” it is not only...
There are many ways to give your time, money, resourses, skills, etc. You can any issue or NGO to support....
I attended at conversation with Joel L.Fleishman. He presented his recently released book, Putting Wealth to Work. This book is about philanthropy and different...
I attended an amazing conference called Service Unites (sponsored by Points Of Lights Foundation) in Atlanta last week . There...
Fellowship is not only serving in host organization, it means also to be engage in different activities in free time....
When I was a child, every New Year’s night, I had the onlyone desire: “I want to Disneyland.” This place seemed to...
The comfort zone is the inner state of mind of a person which it is pleasant to be. Your comfort...
Self-confidence has two main sides. There are feeling of confidence (an inner sense of power, right and rightness), confident behavior...