Message from Atlas Corps CEO & Founder Scott Beale: watch on Youtube


Support Atlas Corps Fellows during COVID-19

Help us to support Atlas Corps Fellows who cannot return home because of the COVID-19 lockdown. These Fellows face unique, unbudgeted, and completely unexpected expenses. Donations of ANY size make a big difference! Donate at


Apply to the Fellowship and Host Fellows

Yes! We are still open for business and are seeking U.S. Host Organizations who want diverse, talented leaders to join their teams and inspiring candidates to apply. We want organizations and individuals to start planning now for after this pandemic, how the world will be different, and how Atlas Corps can support the journey for great social impact. Learn more at for candidates and for Host Organizations.


New Initiatives by Atlas Corps

As the world continues to adapt, Atlas Corps is also evolving. We are excited, even amidst so much uncertainty, about some innovations we are launching:

“Blended” Fellowship – building on the success of our U.S.-based fellowship, Fellows will participate in a blend of virtual and in-person service. Fellows will initiate the Fellowship while in their home countries and complete their service in the United States.

Virtual Learning Community – extending our engaging professional development activities to a virtual environment, Atlas Corps will engage more dynamic social impact professionals from around the world in this virtual learning community to advance knowledge and strengthen our global network of changemakers.


Advancing Technology for Humanity

In 2020, Atlas Corps celebrates the role that technology plays in addressing critical social issues around the world with our theme of Advancing Technology for Humanity. Now, more than ever, technology is playing a key role in connecting people, advancing innovations, and achieving positive social impact. We will feature stories from our Fellows, Alumni, and Host Organizations. You can follow highlights and share your own updates at #tech4humanity.



Learn more about our Fellows and Alumni efforts to fight against COVID-19 worldwide on the Atlas Corps blog.