Note: This is crux of the one of my research papers, and it was published by the Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education ISSN: 2066 – 7329 (print), and ISSN: 2067 – 9270 (electronic). Full research paper can be found here.


Education is the driving force of growth and progress in an increasingly interconnected and globalizing world. The multifaceted impact of education on every aspect of human existence makes it an essential area for policy framework especially for developing countries like Pakistan. Today’s global economy and the demographic shift towards large bulge of working age population provide Pakistan with a perfect opportunity towards. Dropout pupils who discontinue their studies before acquiring functional literacy are one of the most serious and persistent problems of the developing countries like Pakistan.

After the conduction of an empirical analysis of the said study, it was concluded that there are certain factors, economic as well as social, which not only affect the performance of the children but also ends it in the form of their drop-out from schools. Out of such hindering factors, the financial stipulation of a family and insufficient coaching are such factors which are the major hurdles in the educational processes of children, particularly in the rural areas. Free education too cannot finish it because little ones’ have to become the financial supporter of their family. Other factors, such as uneducated parents, teachers’ behavior, low mental capabilities, bad habits, bad peer group and scarcity of educated people in community etc., all these factors are the basic obstacles which stop the children from going to school.

So, in order to sure the society as educated ones, there is the need of fundamental amendments in the educational set-up of developing society like Pakistan. In this regard, there should be the reforms and remedies to overcome these explored deficiencies in the educational set-up, discussed above. Governments must disburse concentration to social as well as economic deficiencies hindering to educate the illiterate section of population, particularly in rural areas of their respective states. Awareness campaigns should arrange for the rural people to aware them about the importance of education for their children. Provision of incentives for children to attend schools and for teachers to take up teaching responsibilities with commitment and devotion should be encouraged and promoted. Side by side, the availability of schools at an accessible distance is also necessary so that parents can visit their children’s schools to investigate about their children’s educational performance and character.