Is America the most generous country in the world?

According to the United Kingdom-based CAF America Report 2015, an international nonprofit organization, part of the WGI (World Giving Index), America is the second most generous country in the world. Among over than 145 countries surveyed, the first place of generosity is occupied by Myanmar, with an overall score of 66%, and the United States of America comes in second place with an overall score of 61%.

The index measures if the people in each of these countries say that they have helped a stranger, given money to a certain charity, or volunteered time to an organization in the past year. According to the report, Myanmarese people are highly Buddhists devout, so regularly they give money to the keep the temples in good conditions, and help the monks and the nuns. Even when the amount given will be very small, it has an important religious meaning, so people give frequently, sometimes, even daily.

Additionally, the CAF World Giving Index, showed that the United states has the first place in generosity among any other nations in the group of 20 (G-20). United States rank as the most generous country in the developed world, even when the U.S. score dropped from 64% last year, to 61% this year.

Almanac of American Philanthropy, measured the amount given to charities, found that the U.S. is the most generous country in the world, over countries like Canada, Grain Britain, Germany, etc. In addition, Americans tend to choose charities over government agencies to solve national social problems.

Finally, we can conclude that America is one of the most generous countries in the world, Americans trust in charities, and are willing to donate part of their income to different kind of charities, and religious donations are the most commonly kind of donation in the U.S.