5-18-2016 - Header BlogToday is the #IDAHOT (International day against Homophobia and Trans-phobia)
It is a day to spread awareness against all the hate their is against anyone who is different…
Many of the hate i receive when i talk about issues Homophobia, especially on Facebook, comes by Homophobic (or people who do not know enough about the issue) educating me how its a sin….
I would previously try to make them understand, that its not a sin, it exists in nature, its not a choice, we need to accept others the same way we want to be accepted.
today I will just say …the world is moving forward, just like the world moved away from slavery 200 years ago (60 years for Saudi Arabia), your opinion of today and your Homophobia and Trans-phobia and Bi-phobia will stay with you only, it will end with the next generation.
A Survey was issued today by ILGA showing that the average acceptance in the Arab world has jumped to 27% compared to just 3-7% prior to the Arab spring.
so PLEASE, don’t hate others because they “SIN” differently.
or just don’t hate others, unless they do you personal physical harm…

actually, I take that back… just don’t hate anyone, don’t be a DAESH (Arabic for ISIL)…
Accept others, be tolerant to everyone, be open to everyone, enjoy life, be happy, and let others do the same, let them enjoy their 70-8- years on this planet, let them live it the way THEY want, and not the way YOU want…

if you agree with these BASIC principles of humanity…
Please copy past the following hashtag…
and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @EGAYPT